Just nine weeks to go! I can't believe how close it's getting.
I am getting pretty big although I look around at other pregnant women as far gone as me and I'm not nearly as big as some of them so I can't moan about the load I'm carrying around. Anyway, this little boy certainly is full of beans. At the moment he seems to move non-stop all day and night. I reckon he knows his time is running out and soon he won't be able to move around even if he wants to as he'll be too big. It's funny feeling a head or elbow sticking out - and even weirder SEEING it. I love it!
I'm still trying to work out about where I'm going to have him and how it will all work. It certainly isn't easy in a foreign country without health insurance... but I keep thinking that wherever I end up, they'll do their best and I've always been told I have a child-bearing figure so hopefully now I can prove that true! Fingers crossed as they don't even offer gas and air over here as pain relief.
We have set up a little part of our room for Luca for when he arrives and it looks so lovely and cosy it's making me want to have him here even more than I already did. Nick reads stories to him and I talk to him during the day around the house so it really feels real now. Especially as we have a name for him and things in place for when he gets here!
We have our final scan next week... and it won't be long now before I can update pictures and videos of him onto this... I'll keep you posted as best I can. Lots of love. Kx