Friday, October 17, 2008

baby names

As per Jess' request, please add any suggestions you have for baby names here. As you all probably know, the main runners are currently Luca and Lola. But all suggestions welcome... just click the comment link below. Ta Jess, will add Carla to the mix, although she is a dodgy character in EastEnders isn't she? x


Jess said...

HI so spence, serena and I have come up with the following:
Carla, Lucia (pronounced Loo-sha for a girl)and Maddison....? We all send LOTS and LOTS of love, wish we could be with you (and ps i know its a girl cos in that scan pic her nose looks absolutely exACTly like yours !:-)xxx

tan said...

aha, i thought about casey (casey at the bat) or ciara (kee-ar-ah) if you fancied something more roman. jude for a boy? or cameron (cam)?

Big Mama said...

Well, I still like Erin. It's pretty and classy without being girlie, it doesn't lend itself to silly nicknames and it's strong - which its owner would need to be with a mum like our Kate.

Nick said...


KateCTaylor said...

Nick is a hard one to crack :)

Casey is the name of my character in the book I'm working on... I associate her with that. But did you mean a boy's name?

Jess, you might be right - we'll find out in 4 weeks! Lucia is one of daddy's favourites, but pronounced Loo-chia, as in the Italian way.

Thank you for your suggestions. Nick, any more other than Lola? :) xxx

tan said...

yup, casey for a girl. cameron for a boy. good strong unisex names both. and take it from one who wears a good strong unisex name every day of the week - builds character.

Spencer said...

ha!! Babies the next generation I love it. Nick you are a good looking fella! Kate well done!

Makonnen said...

Hmm- how about something unusual like BING??? Barring that (and I'm sure it would be barred) I like Luca, Marco, Alessandro (Sandro), Michele (that's Mi - KAY - LAY) Francesco (Cesco) for boys and Lucia (NOT pronounced the way Jess seems to think it is) Marsha, Sandra, Elisa, Virginia, Carla, Sara for girls..... love Bing (aka Makonnen)

Anonymous said...

I like Lucia too and Joseph for a boy. Zachary is still a hard name to beat.

Who is that man Makonnen ? Looks vaguely like your dad but with hair ?

Anonymous said...

so many choice and so amazing to choose a name for a little person. Jeremy and I had decided on Spencer (my mother's maiden name) and when packing to move to NYC 1 month before Spence arrived..I turned over a small tea set and the name of the china was none other than Spencer Stevenson..preston...his name. Love Althea, Madison, Lucca, Lucia
